Application link creation for Jira OAuth

In order to access Jira using OAuth token, we also need to create Jira Application link using public key that you have generated as a first step.

Steps for Application Link creation in JIRA

  1. Click on Add Application Link
    1. Give any application URL that you like (and which doesn’t exists) such as https://jira-oauth-rest-api-access or etc.
    2. You will see error No response was received from the URL you entered… Ignore it and click on Continue
    3. Application Name: JIRA OAuth REST API Access
    4. Application Type: Generic Application
    5. Click on Create
    6. Click on Edit for newly created Application link with name JIRA OAuth REST API Access.
    7. Click on Configure -> Incoming Authentication
      1. Consumer Key: jira-oauth-rest-api-access
      2. Consumer Name: jira-oauth-rest-api-access
      3. Description: <Some description if you like>
      4. Public Key: <copy it from>
      5. Rest of the fields leave empty
    8. Now Incoming Authentication status should be shown as Configured.